How to Make the Ultimate Tiramisu

Tiramisu is always a good idea, and with the added bonus of pistachios it would be a crime not to try this recipe
- 25 sponge fingers
- 500g mascarpone
- 500ml double/whipping cream
- 4 egg whites
- 90g granulated sugar
- 15g icing sugar
- 180g pistachio paste (available in all Italian delis: 80g go into the cream you’re going to make, the other 100g into the coulis)
- 300ml Baileys
- 200ml unsweetened condensed milk
- 300ml water
- For the decoration
- 150g shelled whole pistachios
Arrange the pistachios on a baking tray and put them into an oven heated to 160C fan/180C/GM Four for 10 minutes. The idea is to make them lovely and golden. Once they are ready, remove the baking tray and set aside.
Now turn to the preparation of the coulis by putting 100g of the pistachio paste, the icing sugar and the condensed milk into a bowl. Combine them to obtain a smooth, glossy cream. Set aside.
Put the Baileys into a bowl with the water (at room temperature) then pop the bowl into the fridge. Whisk the egg whites and the granulated sugar in another bowl using an electric hand mixer (or a hand whisk, if you’re feeling fit). You’re aiming for an even consistency.
Add the mascarpone and the cream then whisk some more, until the mixture is as smooth as an Olympic ski run. Add the remaining 80g of pistachio paste and beat some more, this time using a rubber spatula.
Now dip your sponge fingers into the cooled bowl of Baileys, on both sides, and then arrange them side by side in a baking dish (designed for around six people). Pour half the cream and some of the coulis on top. Scatter over some toasted pistachios, then repeat with a new layer of both the cream and the coulis, finishing off with a lovely crust of toasted pistachios. Put this naughty treat in the fridge for at least four hours (all good things come to those who wait).
E buon appetito!