Gorgeous Garden Furniture to Spruce Up Your Outdoor Space

Spruce up your outside space

1 Sollern modular sofa set, £690 IKEA, Gateshead and Leeds
2 Siena egg chair, £225 B&M, branches regionwide
3 Rope effect coffee set (includes sofa and two chairs), £399 Aldi, branches regionwide
4 Rome outdoor sofa, £1,649 BoConcept at Fenwick, Newcastle
5 Sugar modular outdoor furniture at caffelattehome.com
6 Cheltenham arbour seat, £374.99 Zest at Cowell’s Garden Centre, Woolsington

7 Hampstead corner sofa, £1,700 Garden Trading, stockists regionwide
8 Double beanbag sofa, £295 coxandcox.com
9 Bamboo chair, £475 idyllhome.co.uk
10 Teal cushioned subbed, £4,245 Cane-Line at JB Furniture, Benton

11 Woven armchair, £389 Kettler, stockists regionwide
12 Natural rope chair and footstool, £649 So’Home at laredoute.co.uk
13 Lois sofa, £129 Marks & Spencer, branches regionwide
14 Kora egg chair, £260 Habitat, branches regionwide