How to Make the Lord Crewe Bamburgh's Pan-Roasted Fillet of Chalk Steam Trout

- 1kg langoustines shells (shell on prawns can be used as an alternative)
- 40g shallots, finely chopped
- 100g fennel, finely chopped
- 1 small carrot, finely chopped
- 1 stick celery, finely chopped
- 40g leek, finely chopped
- 100ml brandy
- 3 tsp tomato purée
- 2 litres water
- 50ml rapeseed oil
- 2 x 160g sea trout portion, skin-on
- 50g cooked white crab meat
- 10g parsley, finely chopped
- 10g chives, finely chopped
- 45g curly kale
- 400g cooked new potatoes, skin on
- 35g salted butter
- Seasoning, to taste
- 400ml double cream
Preheat your oven to 180C.
For the bisque sauce, put the langoustine shells onto an ovenproof tray and place them into the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the shells from the oven and carefully mix them around using a wooden spoon. Place the langoustine shells back into the oven for another 20 minutes, before removing them and placing to one side.
Next, add 20ml of rapeseed oil to a large six-litre capacity pan and add the carrot, shallot, fennel, celery and leek.
Leave the pan on a low heat and gently stir the vegetables for approximately six minutes, until they have softened.
Next, add the brandy and cook for approximately one minute, until the liquid has almost disappeared.
Then, add the tomato purée, langoustine shells and water and simmer the mixture for 40 minutes (stirring it occasionally), before removing it from the heat.
Place a colander on top of another six-litre capacity pan and strain the mixture through the colander, until all solids are removed from the liquid.
Then, leave the pan on a medium heat for approximately 20 minutes.
While the bisque sauce is simmering, add 20ml of rapeseed oil to a separate pan on a medium heat. Next, place the trout onto the pan skin-side down and cook it for approximately five minutes.
While the trout is cooking, place a separate pan on a low heat and add the new potatoes. Once the potatoes have warmed through, gently crush them with a fork.
Then, add a knob of butter, cooked crab, chives and parsley and cook them for approximately two minutes, until they are warm. Mix all ingredients together and season to taste, before removing the pan from the heat and placing it to one side.
Once the trout’s skin has become golden and crisp, turn it over and cook for a further three minutes, before turning off the heat and adding a knob of butter to the pan. Once the butter starts to foam, baste the fish with the butter, before removing the trout from the pan and leaving it to rest on a plate.
Once the bisque sauce has reduced by 90 percent and is dark red, add the cream and bring the mixture to a boil, before seasoning the sauce to taste and setting it aside.
Add a knob of butter to another pan and warm it on a low heat, before adding the kale and cooking until it has softened. Then, remove the pan from the heat.
Finally, place the crushed potato onto the centre of your serving plate and add the kale to the top of the potato.
Gently place the trout on top of the kale, before generously pouring the sauce on top of the trout.
The Lord Crewe, Front Street, Bamburgh NE69 7BL
01668 214243