It’s a Dog’s Life: Winnie goes to Whitby

Living North’s canine columnist is sharing a Yorkshire walk this week

I use that popular Yorkie greeting with pleasure, amid great memories of a recent trip to the Yorkshire coast. We stayed at a fun and really good hotel called Raithwaite, near to the brilliant beach at Sandsend. It's very much dog friendly, not least because of the excellent walks around the hotel, but also there’s an absolute corker of a walk from Sandsend to Whitby.
We started from the hotel walking through fields and the early spring sunshine and the views made us all feel good (even Mum who keeps limping a bit – she should worry – her legs might be short but they’re a lot longer than mine!). Arriving at the beach at Sandsend there's a a couple of good cafes, but we didn’t stop. We just set our compass due south and headed for Whitby.
It's about two miles as the dog walks (make that three or even four if you're a crazy spaniel/sheep dog who run hither and thither.) If you like rock pools this is not the best place, but it's good for swimming if that's something you enjoy. I like paddling – and the occasional swim, but only in summer.

We were on the beach the whole way until we got into Whitby, where I’ve got to say the noise of the seagulls was pretty deafening (I was slightly worried they might pick me up and carry me away but luckily I’m still carrying a little extra timber from Christmas).
I met a Pug called Doug who recommended we try the fish and chips at the Magpie Café. Wandering through the town it was pretty busy and we had to wait in a queue, but my mum and dad said it was worth it as their fish was lovely. I had a sausage which I can confirm was very acceptable.
Having enjoyed the views for a while which include the ruins at Whitby Abbey (the steps there are a bit of a pain but well worth it) we walked through the busy Whitby streets and back to the beach and home.
Dad and I went straight to the bar and had a drink – Dad explained you can only have so much water… the views over the garden here are gorgeous and it was the perfect place for forty winks after an excellent walk.
Have a good week, see you next Sunday, and don't forget where there's a wag there's a way.