Our Must-Have Christmas Eve Pyjamas

’Twas the Night Before Christmas
And we are all dressed in our best (PJ’s).

1 Check cotton PJ’s, £29.99 hm.com
2 Wildflower silk pyjamas, £380 yolke.co.uk
3 Herringbone flannel PJ set, £65 Jigsaw, stockists regionwide

4 Piped organic cotton PJ’s, £75 breathelifestyle.co.uk

5 The Jag PJ set, £150 desmondanddempsey.com
6 Heart PJ’s, £89 Whistles, stockists regionwide
7 Pink silk pyjamas, £329 lkbennett.com

8 Tie-hem jersey set, £75 thewhitecompany.com